
[sed] Delete the lines lying in between two patterns

Let’s take an plain text file, input.txt, that looks like this

First line of unimportant text
Second line of unimportant text
Some more texts (may/ mayn't be important!)

We want to delete some of the lines from the file using the command line stream editor, sed.

1. Use the following command to delete the lines lying between PATTERN-1 and PATTERN-2 , excluding the lines containing these patterns:
sed '/PATTERN-1/,/PATTERN-2/{//!d}' input.txt

If you want to modify the file itself, instead of just the file stream, include the “-i” flag after sed.

2. Use the following command to delete the lines lying between PATTERN-1 and PATTERN-2 , including the lines containing these patterns:
sed '/PATTERN-1/,/PATTERN-2/d' input.txt

3. To delete all the lines after PATTERN-2, use this
sed '/PATTERN-1/,$d' input.txt

4. To delete lines, say 2 through 4 (if you know the correct line numbers, of course!), use this

sed '2,4d' input.txt

Here is a good sed reference.