Create a python script $ more #!/usr/bin/python import subprocess import re # Get process info ps = subprocess.Popen(['ps', '-caxm', '-orss,comm'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].decode() vm = subprocess.Popen(['vm_stat'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].decode() # Iterate processes processLines = ps.split('\n') sep = re.compile('[\s]+') rssTotal = 0 # kB for row in range(1,len(processLines)): rowText = processLines[row].strip() rowElements = sep.split(rowText) try: rss = float(rowElements[0]) * 1024 except: rss = 0 # ignore...

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Download and install wakeonlan Perl script Open a terminal and type the following curl command: $ mkdir -p $HOME/bin $ curl -o ~/bin/wakeonlan $ chmod +x ~/bin/wakeonlan The syntax is: $ ~/bin/wakeonlan server-mac-address-here   ...

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Microsoft PowerShell

PowerShell 7.0 is now off beta and has officially arrived for all supported platforms, including Windows 10, macOS, and various Linux distros. It comes as the next major update after the Powershell Core 6, which was released three years ago. That was the time when Microsoft open-sourced PowerShell, although its Windows variant still lives behind closed doors. PowerShell 7 Features – What’s New? The Powershell 7 update is...

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Source: User basics Linux Users are users of the system, they can be either used by a human or they can be used by a software such as a web server or a database. The latter are also known as system users. There is no clear way to tell the difference between a system user and a human user, the former tend to have names associated...

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